Hugo in OpenBSD in 2024

Am I playing with lukewarm fire by syncing my Hugo blog files across Linux and OpenBSD systems and attempting to publish from both?
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Terminal — the Hugo theme used by this blog — is no longer being maintained

I’ve enjoyed using Radosław Kozieł’s Hugo theme called Terminal, and I’m sorry to learn that it’s no longer being updated. I guess it’s time to look for a new theme.
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What’s the difference between blogging and a longer social post?

It’s so easy to just open an app window, write a few lines and hit send. I write hundreds of social posts for every “real” blog post.
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How hard is it to move a Hugo setup from one computer to another?

I’ve done a lot of operating system switching over the past many months and not a whole lot of blogging. My question: Does this thing still work?
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Friction in the Hugo composition process — Part 1

I would write more, I say, if it was easier to start, write and publish a blog entry.
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You really need to set rsslimit in your Hugo config file

Hugo’s default RSS feed seems to include the full text of every post on your site. I learned this when the Hugo binary was running out of memory on my hosts, and when index.xml was 100 MB in size on my desktop. Setting rsslimit in your config file makes for a manageable RSS file.
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Using rsync to update a Hugo blog

The one disadvantage of a static-site generator like Hugo is that after you create an entry and build your blog locally, you then have to figure out how to update your site on the server. And Hugo seems to change a whole lot of files with every run of the command hugo, even if you are only creating a single entry. There’s a heavy amount of encouragement to use GitHub to manage the blog and some kind of build utility to transfer the files to the web server.
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I’m using the Pixyll theme in Hugo

The hardest part about starting a new Hugo site isn’t getting the Hugo program to run. In Windows that part’s easy. All you do is download a binary, unzip and run it. I have been a new user of Hugo at least three times in the past few years. I’ve never stuck with it. Every time, the initial pain point is finding a theme that a) works, b) has the features I want and c) I can understand and modify where needed.
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First post in Hugo for 2019

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